
Monday, February 18, 2013

If I Go Visit My Sister...

Did you ever read "If You Give a Pig a Pancake?"  I highly recommend it!  I laugh EVERY time I read it.

My personal version goes like this...If I go to visit my sister, then I'm going to go in Autumn.  If I go in Autumn, then I'm going to visit my favorite apple orchard (Mercier's Orchard in Blue Ridge, Georgia).  If I go to Mercier's, then I'm going to offer to pick up apples for friends, neighbors, and co-workers and buy a couple of bushels for myself.  If I buy apples for myself and my friends, then I'm going to be busy canning apple products for a week when I return.

And so it went again this year.  I visited my sister in mid November, went to Mercier's, bought approximately 10 bushels of apples for friends (only 1 bushel for myself), and was completely overwhelmed 2 days before Thanksgiving, but I still had a few apples to process before I could start my holiday cookin'.

I tried to determine how I got myself into this position again and how I would avoid it happening again?  I could NOT take several days off and drive to visit my sister.  I could NOT buy a bunch of apples if I went.  I could NOT offer to pick up apples for everyone else.  I could NOT can my own applesauce; just buy some Mott's and call it a day.  In the end, I determined that these things make me happy, so I am now okay with getting overwhelmed once in a while.

I did change up my applesauce and apple butter methods and save myself some time there.  (Wash jars and put in water to heat For applesauce, I wash my apples, core them, and cut into chunks (no peeling).  I put the diced apples in the blender and puree, peel and all.  I dump the pureed apples into a heavy bottomed pot and turn the stove on low-medium.  I continue this process until the pot is filled 3/4 full, stirring with each new blender load of pureed apples.  I cook for 30 minutes after the last blender load is added.  I add one or two boxes of Jell-O for extra flavor and sweetness (cherry Jell-o is a favorite).  after stirring in the Jell-O, cook another 15 minutes.  Then ladle the hot applesauce into clean, hot jars.  Place lids and rings on jars.  Water bath for 10 minutes.

And when I open a jar of yummy, homemade applesauce...I want to visit my sister. :)

Happy Canning,

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